Every year around the holidays there seems to be an explosion of engagements. One of the best, most love fulfilled time in your life. As stressful as I found the entire planning process to be, our fairytale day did come together perfectly in the end, as they always say it will. You know that super cheeseball quote “everyone has their own love story, but ours is my favorite” – yelp its true, you truly do fall in love with your story as it unfolds right before your eyes. Today, I’m sharing with your our love story, Part 1.
It all began in Vegas, yes you read that right. What happened in Vegas, clearly did not stay in Vegas. My BFF and I were freshly 21 at the time, looking for the next best adventure, the hubby was your "typically" lawyer playing peer pong champion (haha). A few nights into the trip BFF & I had got swindled into buying fake tickets in the mall, thankfully a club promoter had redirected our plans to the new club at the time Hakkasans Night Club. There, in the middle of the dance floor as Steve Aoki was opening his set & I’m chugging my $10 club water, I see the hubs. The rest of the trip was spent meeting up when we could. I learnt very quickly that professional beer pong is in fact a THING! On my return home from our Vegas adventure I had jokingly told my mom that I had found my future husband; that he was a beer pong playing lawyer - I guess we laughed a little too quickly. Fast forward through a 1 year of long distance relationship between Boston and Vancouver and we were engaged. Looking back it was clearly insane how fast our relationship moved, but as the saying goes, when you know you know. There hasn't been a day that I've been unsure about our relationship, a lot of growing pains & disagreements, yes, but always 100% certain that moving across the country completely blind was the right choice.
Cheers to love at first sight.