I love the idea of recapping the week in a highlight “real"“. A weekly picture journal if you will, highlighting not only the good, but the real moments too. It is easy to get caught up in showcasing only the good parts of your life on social media, so here will be a combination of the highlights and raw life moments. Because the reality is that everything is not always perfect as social media may make it seem. On the other hand I fully believe in romanticizing your own life and finding the good in each day. Like everything in life, it’s all about finding balance. This new series combines two of my loves, 1) taking pictures, and 2) savoring memories. So here we go, My Week In Pictures - Week 1.

I got this book for Ze Chalet, I loved the poppy colors to it and thought it was quite fitting. Now that the laborious part of renovations are over now it’s the fun part of styling the house. I’m so excited for the house to get better with time, as everything does.

My OOED (outfit of every day) - I can’t wait until spring to change up the wardrobe a bit! Max looks like such a chunky potatoe here lol!

We finally upgraded some curtains at Ze Chalet that needed to be changed. It was such a daunting task that i’ve been putting off for months. I ended up ordering these ones off Amazon in color “pattern 8” and cannot believe how easy it actually was and the quality is actually incredible.I’m so in love and it elevates the space so much from the white blinds that were there before. Not to mention much easier to clean. They were also very easy to install. The sizes were custom, so we just measured the frames, instructions were very clear - and they text you after your order is placed to confirm sizing, and everything fit like a glove. Very happy to have that off my to do list!

Maximus’s love for milk has transitioned well to food! He squaks when he wants more, its certainly his favorite time of the day. We are doing purees and exploring holding bananas. Greek yogurt is the only funny face that we could get out of him so far!




ESSENTIAL BABY PRODUCTS We Used + Loved (0-4 months)