Fireplaces That Dreams Are Made Of
When the chilly weather rolls around this time of year some may dream of PSL, soups and fuzzy socks - but i’m over here dreaming about beautiful fireplaces. Aside from the warmth they give a space they are such a great conversation starter, they bring people together and they can - and should - be turned into a piece of art for the room, in my opinion! Now i’m a real fire girl over a gas fire any day, but I will admit the flip of a switch with gas can be nice. Our new home has a fireplace that needs a lot of design help. I’m not sure how we will fix it yet, but you know that I’m already scheming over here. Until then, I invite you to swoon together, here are some of my favorite fireplaces saved over the years (via Pinterest) of course…
source / Designer: Studio Mcgee
source / Designer: Lisa Staton
source / design by: Porebski Architects